10 Jul 13
Brook Cricket Club
Pirrie Hall, Haslemere Road, Brook GU8 5UJ
E-Safety encompasses the use of new
technologies, internet and electronic communications, publishing and the
appropriate use of personal data. It highlights the need to educate children
and young people about the benefits and risks of using technology and
provides safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their
online experience.
The Internet is an amazing tool it opens up so many educational and
social opportunities, giving you access to, quite literally, a world of
information and experiences.
Whilst these technologies provide exciting opportunities, they are
accompanied by dangers and negative consequences if abused by users.
Brook CC is keen to promote the safe, and responsible, use of
communication and interactive communication technologies within cricket. The
following guidelines have been put together to ensure the message of safe
and responsible use of communication and interactive technologies is
understood and are followed within cricket.
Brook CC’s E-Safety policy will operate in conjunction with other
policies including those for Behaviour and or Bullying.
Brook CC has produced a parent’s code of conduct which can be found on
our website. The policy states that parents are expected to:
"Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context
of cricket"
Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age,
gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or
martial status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual
preference or political belief"
Parents should be aware that posting messages, comments or any other
media on a social networking site that breaches the above requirements of a
parent at Brook CC will breach Brook CC’s Parent Code of Conduct.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to:
Read and take note of the
e-safety policies and encourage their children to adhere to them and adhere
to them, themselves, when appropriate.
To discuss e-safety issues
with their children and support the
Brook CC in its e-safety approaches and reinforcing appropriate
behaviours at home.
Take responsibilities for
their own awareness and learning in
relation to the opportunities and the risks posed by new and
emerging technologies.
Be aware that the Police
recommend that no children under the age of 13 uses social networking sites and instant messaging services.
Further guidance of E-safety have a look at the following websites
for some helpful tips:
BBC Stay Safe is the practical internet safety programme for
Kidsmart is practical internet safety programme website for schools,
young people, parents, and agencies, produced by the children's internet
charity Childnet International. There are lesson plans and accompanying
resources to help teach KS2 & 3 students about Internet safety.
www.ceop.gov.uk - Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)
Centre combines police powers with the expertise of business sectors,
government, specialist charities and other interested organisations - all
focused on tackling child sex abuse
thinkuknow.co.uk - Think U Know is a site with areas for children and
young people aged 5 - 7, 8 - 11, and 11 - 16 as well as for parents, carers
and professionals. There is information and guidance as well as some games
demonstrating chat room use.
If you have any concern about the use of social networking sites please
report as follows:
Any concern: Club Welfare Officer
Illegal sexual child abuse
images should be reported to the Internet Watch Foundation (http://www.iwf.org.uk)
and to the police.
Reports about suspicious
behaviour towards children and young people in an online environment should
be made to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (www.ceop.gov.uk).
Law enforcement agencies and the service provider may need to take urgent
steps to locate the child and/or remove the content from the internet.
Where potentially illegal material including sexual abuse or indecent
images of children or activity is found or suspected on technology provided
by, or where the club has access to, the evidence should be made secure and
preserved. The police or the IWF can provide further advice on this when a
report is made. In the case of reports about suspected illegal material
including sexual abuse or indecent images of children held on personally
owned devices by members the report should include where the suspected
illegal material can be found e.g. a website address where possible.
Potentially illegal material, including sexual abuse or indecent
images, should not be circulated or distributed within the club. Those
involved in making a report should be kept to an absolute minimum.